The Survive Reset Thrive Framework

SRT is an ongoing practice, not a one-time process.

It is a loop, not a line.

Periods of uncertainty force us to rethink our approach to growth strategy.

Market and macro shocks occur, and shocks can be scary. Rather than hunkering down in recession-proofing mode, leaders should embrace uncertainty directly. 

As variables are emerging and goalposts are shifting, leaders must shift from planning to preparation. Organizations need a strategy, and the essence of strategy remains the same. Strategy was, is, and will always be an articulation of how your organization creates value. Strategy comes from making tough choices when facing uncertainty. Sometimes that uncertainty is more manifest.  

The question is, how do you outlast the immediate shock, reset, and prepare for high growth? To assume you need to blow everything up is silly, but likewise going forward like nothing has changed is equally so. Leaders must remember that periods of uncertainty can be a great time to grow. Not an easy time to grow, but a great time to grow if you embrace the updated demands of uncertainty: growing through a three-mode approach of Survive Reset Thrive.


Stabilize to outlast the current shock not just by implementing the basics, but also utilizing your power moves such as repurposing, partnering, and accelerating learning velocity.


Reset is the power move, but it’s not easy. Use this opportunity to revisit your strategic choices, challenge your assumptions, gain new insights, and update your list of top priorities.


Thrive comes from disciplined flexibility through the earlier modes, but moving quickly when the situation allows.

Thrive organizations build internal predictability to outlast market uncertainty and embrace the characteristics of BLAST to outgrow through any market cycle.

Artificial Intelligence and The SRT Loop

How do we incorporate AI into our strategy? It’s not about developing an AI Strategy, it is about understanding the role of AI in enabling, supporting, and accelerating value creation.

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